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CPAP Los Angeles

Is CPAP a good option for sleep apnea?

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is one possible treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which a person’s airway becomes blocked during sleep, disrupting their breathing and leading to pauses in breathing, shallow breaths and arousals or gasping for air while sleeping. This can result in a lack of oxygen while sleeping and poor sleep quality causing health problems, including increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

CPAP involves the use of a machine that delivers a constant flow of air through a mask worn over the nose and mouth. This helps keeps the airway open, allowing the person to get more oxygen while they sleep.

There are several benefits to using CPAP for the treatment of sleep apnea. The CPAP literally blows air into your lungs, so can help improve your oxygen saturation and therefore your sleep quality. Ideally it can prevent pauses in breathing, thus allowing you to sleep more deeply. The quality of your sleep is vital to your health and day to day functioning.

If used correctly and if patients can tolerate it and wear it every night all the way through the night without taking it off, CPAP can help reduce the risk of health problems associated with sleep apnea. This includes lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as reducing the risk of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

CPAP may also help improve a patients overall quality of life by reducing snoring. This can lead to better relationships with partners.

Despite the possible benefits, many people find it difficult or impossible to adjust to using CPAP. The mask can be uncomfortable or claustrophobic, and the noise of the machine can be disruptive to both the user and their bed partner. Additionally, the treatment can be expensive, as the machine and mask must be purchased and regular check-ups with a healthcare provider are necessary.

Fortunately there are other effective options instead of CPAP

What are other options instead of CPAP for Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

One treatment option for OSA is the use of mandibular posturing appliances (MPAs). These are devices that are worn in the mouth while sleeping, and work by positioning the lower jaw in a forward position, which helps to keep the airway open and allows for normal breathing.

They must me custom made by a team of specialists including:

  • A board certified orthodontist with extensive experience in sleep medicine and jaw and bite disorders.
  • A board certified ENT with extensive experience in sleep medicine and nasal, sinus and airway evaluation.

There are several advantages to using MPAs for the treatment of OSA viz:

Less invasive than other treatments, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, which require a mask to be worn over the nose and mouth. This makes MPAs a good option for people who may be hesitant to try CPAP.

MPA’s are generally easy to use and well tolerated since they are only worn while sleeping and fit over your teeth much like a night guard.

Because of their comfort, if made correctly, MPAs can be more effective than other treatments and provide better symptom relief with better oxygen saturation while sleeping and thus improved sleep quality and long term health.

MPAs are also small, so easily portable and can be taken on trips, making them a convenient option for people who need to travel for work or on vacation.